No School Today!
UPCOMING: Fall Break November 4 – 8
Days off from school may be awesome for most kids but can be tough
for many parents schedules.... We offer our Vacation Camps for many
of these days. Kids complete at least one art project to bring home in painting, pottery, printmaking or jewelry. We also play plenty of games, go for outdoor “art walks” (weather permitting), and wind down with story-time.
Lunch, snacks, and water bottles should be packed from home.
Class size limited to 16 children.
Email completed registration form to reserve
10 am – 2 pm
daily $78 / sibling $66
before-care (begins 9 am) and after-care / $20 p-hr (ends 3 pm)
Fall Break November 4 – 8
Presidents Day February 17 + 18
Spring Break April 21 – 25